Criminal Record Entry Requirements for New Zealand

Updated on Sep 13, 2024 | New Zealand eTA

Travelers who are planning to visit New Zealand and have criminal records, they may have some queries regarding their entry into New Zealand. Such travelers should acquaint themselves with the criminal record entry requirements or restrictions imposed on them to enter the country, as New Zealand maintains strict law and order on maintaining the character standard of visitors visiting the nation.

Having a criminal record does not mean you are disqualified to apply for the New Zealand visa or NZeTA, but before applying you should know the rules and regulations, assessment process, and important factors when scrutinizing the nature of crime committed by the applicant before going forward with his travel permit.

New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority is not a visa but a travel authority, it can be used by travelers from visa waiver nations to visit New Zealand without the need of a physical, simply by having a passport from a visa waiver country. The processing time is 3 days (72 hours). With the NZeTA they can enter New Zealand multiple times for years, with a maximum stay of 3 months, each time they visit.

Travelers applying for travel permit having criminal record, the different character list

Travelers planning a visit to New Zealand should try to understand the eligibility criterions, especially for travelers with criminal records. New Zealand is strict about checking the character of the travelers before providing them a travel permit to enter the country. Below are some of the important requirements:

Good character of the traveler

It means that the travelers should have a decent background with good behavior, honest, trustworthy and follow the rules and regulations. Has a good reputation and has demonstrated good legal and ethical standards.

Serious character issues of the travelers

It means that travelers with character problems like convictions, committing serious crimes, evidence of indulging in violence activities in the past, being involved in criminal activities, and sexual crimes, may be summoned as someone with bad character. Their applications will go through serious evaluation and extra checks and may even face rejection.

Travelers with minor character issues

It means that the travelers with minor character problems like minor crimes, and incidents. Factors such as the nature of the offense, undergone rehabilitation course, or many years have passed since the crime has taken place, some of these listed reasons may be taken into consideration for reviewing the application.

Situations vary from case to case

It means that the traveler's evaluation will vary from case to case. The immigration officials of New Zealand will scrutinize the travelers application based on the nature and seriousness of the crime committed, proof that the applicant has undergone rehabilitation course, the individuals behavior has improved, etc are some of the ways in checking the application process.

Having a clear understanding of the characters based on the criminal records will help the travelers to assess whether they are eligible or not to apply for the travel permit. It is suggested that you get in touch with the right immigration officials if you have any queries related to your eligibility criteria if you have committed any crimes.

Entry Requirements for Travelers with Criminal Records: What if they have Serious Character Issues?

It is important to know that travelers who are planning to enter New Zealand should know about the restrictions set on the applicants with serious character issues. Travelers requesting for travel permit or residence visa will not be granted if they have serious character issues like:

Travelers who have served 5-years or more in prison

If the travelers served 5-years or more in prison for committing a crime will not be able to apply for a travel permit or visa, etc.

Travelers who have recently been convicted or sentenced to jail

It is important to know that travelers who have been recently convicted or sentenced to jail for one or more within the last 10-months are not eligible to apply for a travel permit or visa, etc. They fail to meet the good character requirements for a travel permit.

Travelers who have a record of deportation

It is important to know that travelers who have faced deportation from New Zealand or any other country are usually denied entry into the nation.

Banned travelers

It is important to know that travelers who have been banned from entering New Zealand, fall in the category of serious character issues, hence they are denied entry into the country.

Note :

Apart from the above mentioned serious character issues who will be denied entry into the nation, the immigration officials of New Zealand might also deny to travelers who they believe are a threat to the country and might commit an offense in the nation.

Individuals with serious character issues can apply for the New Zealand travel permits through some waive-offs or some limitations set. This includes some special directions, granted only for some exceptional situations by the immigration department of New Zealand.

Travelers before applying for a travel permit to New Zealand should know the criminal record entry requirements. Those with serious character issues and have plans to visit New Zealand should consult with the immigration officials of New Zealand.

Entry Requirements for Travelers with Criminal Records: What about those with Certain Character Issues?

Travelers with certain character issues who have travel plans to enter New Zealand should know about the restrictions set on the applicants. Travelers requesting for travel permit or residence visa still have a chance if the immigration authorities waive-offs some of the limitations set. Travelers with certain character issues who might be considered for a travel permit includes:

Convictions in-relation to citizenship, passport, or immigration laws

It is crucial to know that travelers who have been convicted for issues like citizenship, passport or immigration laws will be granted a travel-permit, if the immigration authorities waive-offs some of the limitations set.

Travelers who were involved in any criminal activities previously

It is crucial to know that travelers who have committed a crime in the past or have been sentenced to jail in the past will be granted a travel-permit, if the immigration authorities offer a character-waiver.

Travelers who are under investigation for an offense

It is important to know that travelers who are under investigation for an offense may be granted a travel-permit, if the immigration authorities offer a character-waiver.

Charged for a crime with a 12-month or longer imprisonment

It is important to know that individuals who are charged for a crime or offense with a 12-month jail or longer imprisonment, will be considered a travel-permit, if the immigration authorities offer a character-waiver.


Individuals with any of the above mentioned certain character issues are eligible to apply for the travel permit, however they have to explain their situation honestly and accurately with evidence. Clearly justify your situation in regards to the character issue, show the positive changes that have occurred after the incident.

By providing genuine and accurate evidence, individuals will be considered for a travel-permit, even if they have character issues. If you have any queries related to certain character issues and have plans to visit New Zealand you should consult with the immigration officials of New Zealand.

READ MORE: The immigration department of New Zealand has introduced the NZeTA on October 1st 2019 for the travelers wishing to visit New Zealand. But this travel permit can be applied only by citizens belonging to visa-waiver nations. Visitors seeking this visa should read the New Zealand Tourist Visa for Short-Term Travel to the nation.

Travelers Applying for Travel Permit having Criminal Record: Exemption from Good Character Requirements

There are certain circumstances when the immigration officials of New Zealand provide some exemptions from the good character requirements. When scrutinizing or reviewing whether to offer an exemption or not, certain factors are considered which are mentioned below:

Seriousness of the crime-committed

It is crucial to know that travelers are offered exemptions from good character requirements depending on the seriousness of the crime-committed. Individuals with minor offenses may receive exemptions, while individuals who have committed serious crimes may face challenges to obtain a travel permit.

Regularity of the crime-committed

It is necessary to know that travelers are offered exemptions from good character requirements depending on the regularity of the crime committed by the applicant. A crime-committed for once is viewed differently as compared to a crime-committed multiple times for which the applicant might face some difficulties in getting a travel-permit. Considerations like rehabilitation sessions attended, behavioral changes are also taken into account.

Time-period of the crime-committed

It is crucial to know that travelers are offered exemptions from good character requirements depending on the time-period of the crime-committed. If the individual has committed a crime many years ago, and has attended rehabilitation sessions and has shown positive behavioral changes, he might be considered for a travel-permit.

Immediate family members legally residing in New Zealand

It is significant to know that an individual is offered exemptions from good character requirements if his immediate family members are legally residing in New Zealand. It may be taken into consideration for providing a travel-permit.


With any of the above mentioned exemptions provided, individuals with less serious character issues can obtain a travel permit. This helps the individuals to travel to New Zealand despite having any character-issues in the past.

Travelers before applying for a travel permit to New Zealand should know the criminal record entry requirements and that the decision to grant a travel permit solely varies from one case to another. Considerations like circumstance, type of crime-committed, positive changes after the incident, evidence provided, etc, are taken into account.

Travelers with a Criminal-Record Applying for NZeTA: Check the Guidelines Considered

Travelers who have criminal-records with less-character issues and are planning to visit New Zealand, in order to apply for the NZeTA they have to strictly abide by the guidelines and follow the procedures. Before applying for the NZeTA, here is what the travelers with criminal-records need to consider:

NZeTA application submitted should be honest

Individuals applying for NZeTA should provide honest and accurate information. In case you have committed any crime or have any offenses you should mention it. Inaccurate and dishonest information may lead you to trouble and further rejection of your application form.

Documents related to the crime-committed

Individuals applying for NZeTA will have to provide evidence about the nature of crime-committed for documentation, so that the immigration officials are able to verify the type of crime committed and seriousness of the crime. Based on the assessed eligibility criteria the decision will be taken.

Apply for NZeTA in advance

Since it takes time to scrutinize the applications, it is suggested that individuals with criminal-records apply for NZeTA in advance. The time-taken to process NZeTA for standard applications is 72 hours (2-3 days), but for criminal-record applicants it may take extra days for cross-check, request for additional documents and strict verifications.

Case-by-case evaluation

The revelation and verification NZeTA application varies from one-case to another, depending on the nature of crime committed, seriousness of the crime, age of the crime, etc. Travelers must know that the decision solely depends on the situation and the documents provided.

Consult the experts

Individuals with any type of criminal-record, should consult the immigration officials of New Zealand to have proper knowledge and good guidance throughout the application process.

Individuals with criminal records can hope to receive the NZeTA, if they abide by the rules set by the immigration authorities, provide honest information and genuine documents.

READ MORE: Travelers visiting New Zealand for the first time, should check this article Travel Guide for First Time Visitors to New Zealand for an easy entry and exit from the country. Also, know about the best places to visit, authentic cuisines to try, adventurous activities to indulge and the best season to visit the country.

Ensure that you have checked the eligibility for your New Zealand eTA. If you are from a Visa Waiver country then you can apply for an eTA regardless of the mode of travel (Air / Cruise). Slovak citizens, US citizens, UK citizens, Mexican citizens and Canadian citizens can also apply online for New Zealand eTA.